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Below is a listing of elected, staff and other contacts.

Steve Wicklund, Village President (2023-2025)

Sara Gloeckler, Trustee #1 (2023-2025)

Kristy Boyle, Trustee #2 (2024-2026)

Janice Winget, Trustee #3 (2023-2025)

Adam Graf, Trustee #4 (2024-2026)

Jennifer Ditscheit, Trustee #5 (2023-2025)

Amy Ruffalo, Trustee #6 (2024-2026)

Melanie Reichert, Municipal Judge (2023-2027)

Connor LaPointe, Village Administrator

Kyle Cramer, Streets and Parks Foreman 

Casey Stratton, Utilities Supervisor

Stephanie Kohlhagen, Village Clerk

Renee Kelly, Treasurer

Roberta Campbell, Court Clerk

Shai Demers, Deputy Clerk/Deputy Treasurer

James DeLuca, Building Inspector, (262) 210-1741 or (262) 878-1818 (press #6)

Jim Henke, Village Assessor, (262) 498-7473

Ryan Thompson, Recreation Director-Youth Sports (YMCA), (262) 902-7917

Jodie Hoffmann-Ruffalo, Animal Control, (262) 930-4495

Sara Swanson, Library Director, (262) 878-2910

Tim Allen, Fire Chief, (262) 878-4181

Christopher Schmaling, Racine Co. Sheriff, (262) 636-3822

FOR AFTER HOURS Water and Sewer Emergencies dial (262) 901-8160

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