PSC Water Rate Increase Expected in 2023

The Committee agreed to proceed with the rate case application in order to address the financial health of the water utility and to finance upcoming capital project needs, including the well #4 pump replacement, maintenance at well sites #3 and #5, and water main replacements needed in several areas of the Village. The rate increase is not related to funding infrastructure to serve new developments in the community; rather, new development activity has limited the need for additional rate increases.
The rate case application is expected to take 6-10 months, with new rates going into effect in the first quarter of 2023. The application will involve a public hearing process where members of the public will be invited to comment and ask questions about the rate application. Over the next several months, other factors could affect the rate case, including the availability of funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. Updates on the rate case process will be reported in the Village’s newsletters and website.
Utility Bill Affordability
The Water Wastewater, Storm Water and Streets Committee also reviewed an affordability assessment of the Village’s utilities. The assessment looks at how affordable utility bills for water, sewer and storm water are for households of different income levels in Union Grove. The assessment assumes a quarterly bill with a consumption of 9,750 gallons of water.
The average annual bill amount of $957.74 accounts for 1.4% of the median household income in Union Grove ($67,405 per year). Industry standards recommend a percentage under 2.5% to be considered “affordable.” Using this standard, Union Grove utility bills will be considered affordable for household income levels $38,000 and higher using a five-year average of utility bills.
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